Sun’s Out, Structure’s In

By Meagen Gerchen, MSW, LCSW


Summer is full of fun, sunshine, and vacations. It can also be very stressful for many families.
Without the structure and schedule of the school week, many parents struggle to keep their
families engaged and active throughout the summer months. Humans thrive on structure, and
we need to do our best to maintain one – no matter what time of year. Here are some tips to
keep yourself and your family in a structure throughout the summer months…
1. Create a summer schedule. The more visual reminders the better! You could use a
whiteboard on your family’s refrigerator, a physical planner for yourself, or potentially an
application on your phone to keep track of the plans you have throughout the week. You
could even set reminders on your phone as well for appointment or task reminders. It
may give you or your child joy to check off the tasks on this list or check off a box next to
it to show what you have accomplished!
2. Ongoing activities and routines are important. Adults continue to have their work
schedules throughout the year; however, it is different for children. Look into ongoing
summer, sports, and camps for them to continue to have structure and childcare
throughout the summer. If that is not financially possible, look into ongoing play dates
with other peers to continue to stay busy throughout the day.
3. Make sure to include chores and responsibilities in the summer schedule. It is important
to remind yourself and your children that responsibilities are year-round. It could be
beneficial to chat with them about chores that are expected of them weekly and make
visual reminders, so they know what to expect for the upcoming week. Kids truly do
thrive when they have some consistency and structure.
4. Continue to prioritize your physical needs. It is important to get at least 7-8 hours of
sleep, have healthy meals, and have enough water throughout the day. Even though it
can be very tempting to just let kiddos regularly stay up really late and eat junk food
because it is summer break, try to keep your bedtimes and mealtimes as consistent as
you can. You want to ensure that you still prioritize your and your family’s health and give
yourself energy throughout the day.
5. Take time for self-care, even if this is 30 minutes to an hour a day. It is important to do
activities for yourself. Self-care is establishing behaviors to ensure holistic well-being.
Self-care can be taking a nap, exercising, spending time with friends, reading, or
engaging in hobbies that you enjoy.
All in all, remember to be kind and compassionate towards yourself too! There are so many
roles that we carry as humans such as professionals, parents, family members, board
members, students, and members of our community. Try not to put pressure on you and your
family to be perfect!  However, you can try to remain consistent in some of these aspects. Most
importantly, don’t forget to enjoy yourselves over these next few months ahead!

Back To School Acknowledging and Understanding School Stress

By Katelyn Siebert, MSW, LCSW

“Back to School”… three words that typically hold some level of both excitement and worry for children and parents alike. Parents are excited for some return to “normalcy” while also feeling worried about all the new hurdles the school year could hold for their family. Children on the other hand are usually excited to see friends but also aware that going back to school might mean more stress or anxiety in their life. It’s safe to say that school stress is a very real thing for both children and their adult caregivers. 


So, what do we do with these mixed emotions about going back to school? Specifically, the feelings that are causing us some level of emotional discomfort.  The answer here is to first acknowledge it. Acknowledging these feelings allows us to start to process them. For adults, we may be able to acknowledge these emotions on our own but for some children, guidance may be needed in starting this conversation and self-reflection. As the adult, it is encouraged to provide a safe emotional space for your child to discuss how they are feeling about going back to school. A safe emotional space is created by using active listening and non-critical conversation. It is also important to recognize the importance of not trying to “fix it” but more so being present with the child as they acknowledge these feelings that exist. Practice sitting in the uncomfortableness of these feelings together. Acknowledge the feelings then move forward to processing. 


When we think about processing our back-to-school emotions, specifically the negative ones, we can benefit from writing them down. After writing down our worries or concerns we can prioritize them to determine which worries hold the most weight for us or are causing the largest amount of stress. We then tackle those “big worries” first. Many

times, children’s worries are about the unknown or based on past school experiences. With some problem-solving skills, together, you can support your child in answering questions or figuring out who they can go to if they need more clarification about something. Some questions may not have quick or easy answers. If that is the case, it’s important to consider what strategies could be used to reduce anxiety when there is a lingering “unknown”. Many times, when there are too many “unknowns” for children they begin to show signs of needing more control through undesired behaviors. Answering questions and providing a space to figure out as many stressors as possible can reduce some of that back-to-school anxiety as well as a potential increased need for control.


It’s important for parents and caregivers to remember that children’s brains are still learning how to navigate difficult or confusing transitions. They need frequent guidance and support in learning how to handle difficult emotions and situations in a healthy way. School can be looked at as a child’s full-time job. They are there 7-8 hours a day Monday through Friday. They have expectations they are expected to meet and are evaluated daily on their performance and increase in skill. They may encounter peer struggles and have difficult or confusing interactions with their teachers. For most adults, the demand of their job is at times stressful so it’s only natural that children would feel this way too about their “job”.  Considering this perspective allows us, adults, to have ongoing empathy for a child and their return to school. It helps parents and teachers understand how children may be viewing school and the stress related to it. 


With this said, it is also important that parents and educators are taking appropriate measures to handle their own

back-to-school stress. Believe it or not, using the same strategies as noted above for supporting children, will also help you.  Acknowledge the emotion and allow yourself space to process it with a friend, spouse, family member, or therapist. Then begin to problem solve to the best of your ability. Recognize what you DO have control of and what may take some time to figure out. For example, one thing parents do have control over is how they discuss their own back-to-school stress in front of children. It’s important to be mindful of the way adults talk about school as it can set the tone for a child’s opinion of it too.


By acknowledging and processing back-to-school feelings, you are allowing yourself and your child the opportunity to understand both the thoughts and the feelings that are currently present. When we can better understand our thoughts and feelings, we are more in tune with what supports or strategies we may need to utilize to get us through the situation at hand. School is undoubtedly both a source of happiness and stress for children and parents. By working together, the upcoming school year can be approached with courage, optimism, and excitement for all of the good things this year could bring. 


Maintaining Connection : How To Better Connect With Your Kids

By Meagen Gerchen, MSW, LCSW


Children are reaching new milestones every day, and it leaves parents thinking about how they
can continue to celebrate and connect with them each step of the way. I often find many families
coming into therapy sessions asking, “How do I get my child to talk with me?” or “How did I
miss what was happening in their life?” Here is a guide to help parents and guardians feel better
about knowing how to start a conversation and create a space to connect with their kids.
In all relationships, it’s important to have effective communication. Effective communication can
help us understand how others are thinking and feeling, and most importantly what the other
person needs. Here are five key points to remember:
Create a time to check in. This could be a conversation on the way to school, before dropping
them off at a sports practice, or as they are getting ready for bed. It’s a time in which you are
giving them your undivided attention to allow them to share. You can start the conversation by
simply asking “How was your day?” or “How have you been feeling?” and creating time to
listen. This is typically a 5-10 minute conversation that can happen throughout the week.  It’s
important to lead with open-ended questions to encourage them to say more than just a “yes” or
“no” response. I always encourage having check-ins throughout the week, since feelings,
thoughts, and new situations can change and happen frequently.
Allow yourself to listen to your child. It’s important to give your child the space to express
themselves without any interruptions. Put away distractions (such as your cell phone or doing
another task), maintain eye contact with them, and show a genuine interest in what they have to
share with you. This allows time for them to engage in a conversation with you. If they are not in
the mood to share, that’s okay; however, when they do want to share, you need to be fully
present and open to listening.
Use Positive Affirmations. This is another important piece to provide positivity to your child.
They will feel validated when you use kind and uplifting language instead of criticizing or
critiquing words. Try to congratulate them on their accomplishments (no matter how big or
small). When your child feels validated, they will be more likely to communicate with you.
Create a judgment-free zone. It’s important to be open and allow your child to share and
express themselves, even if you may not agree with them. Let your child know that they can
come to you without any fear of judgment or punishment. They will feel more comfortable
talking with you if they know it’s not a threatening environment.
Do an Activity Together. Find something you have in common to do together. This can be
something as simple as playing a card game or board game at home, going outside for a walk,
sharing a meal, or sharing an experience.  This will take planning, but there can be big rewards
for having one-on-one time together.

It is worth taking the time to try to work on communication skills to improve your relationships
with your children, but also with the other people around you! If you are feeling stuck, there are
various ways to strengthen your communication skills with the help of a therapist. In addition,
here are some great books I would recommend:
How to Talk to Kids So They Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk – Adele Faber and Elaine
The Art of Talking with Children: The Simple Keys to Nurturing Kindness, Creativity, and