The Benefits of Boredom

A memory that most of us can recall in vivid detail from our childhood is the excruciating experience of being bored. For many, it may have been our first experience of internal suffering. We would have had to sit with this feeling for some time before we even realized what it was, which would have required an internal examination of our emotions. We had, up until that point, experienced many uncomfortable feelings: hunger, tiredness, sadness, and frustration, but nothing quite like this. In that moment of boredom, we were presented with a seemingly unsolvable problem; one in which we had to ask ourselves “What am I supposed to do here?” It was an experience that forced us to look inward. We had to ask ourselves, “What is it that I truly want?”
We may have gone to our parents to express our discomfort and beg for their help, but likely they would have told us that we have to figure something out on our own. I remember my own mother saying something to the effect of, “Well, sweetheart, that’s really not my problem, is it?” We certainly would have felt a sense of frustration when our parents were unwilling or unable to help, but eventually, we were forced to conclude that only we possessed the power to alleviate this discomfort.
As is true of most suffering, this experience possessed tremendous value. It inspired us to try something new, to pick up a book or an instrument, to explore, to call a friend, to paint, to create. It gave us an opportunity at a very young age to imagine a future with endless possibilities. Only if we had the experience of being bored could we imagine a future in which we were not. Without us realizing it, it helped us begin the process of developing resiliency and self-sufficiency. It also taught us patience, planning, and problem-solving skills along with the ability to delay gratification. We tend to assume that these qualities are in some way innate. That some of us are born more resilient or more patient. That could not be further from the truth. These are learned skills and, as such, they must be taught and practiced. I can think of no experience quite like boredom to help children grow and strengthen these skills.
Unfortunately, today’s children are growing up in a culture in which they quite literally never have to be bored. There are several reasons for this. Many of our kids are astonishingly overscheduled; they go from school to tutors, to practice, to homework, to bed. They rarely have an opportunity to relax and to sit with themselves. During the rare occasion that they do have some unscheduled time, they may have parents who feel that it is their responsibility to constantly be engaging with and entertaining their children. Along with that unreasonable and impossible expectation, children have a multitude of devices and games that will immediately resolve any semblance of the feeling.
If we place a tablet or a phone in the hands of a young child every time they tell us (or show us) that they are bored, we rob them of the opportunity to experience the many opportunities that boredom creates. How many artists, authors, musicians, architects, and designers will miss the opportunity to find their passion because they never had the opportunity to imagine it? The introduction of devices at a young age also begins the unnatural hardwiring of the brain that teaches children to expect immediate gratification in everything that they do. Everything else in their world will seem bland and uninteresting when compared to the type of stimulation that only technology can provide. These devices are constructed with the intention of creating addiction in their users. We need to be aware of this as we consider the appropriateness of handing a young child a phone or tablet.
It is so important that we give our children the opportunities to experience these once naturally occurring experiences. To do this we first must provide children with unstructured time. Resist the urge to fill every minute of their day with productivity and plans. Consider having one day a week or even one evening a week without any structured activities. Also, we must resist the nagging voice in our heads that tells us that we are responsible for always keeping our kids happy. This is one of the most damaging mindsets we can have as parents. It cripples our children’s sense of autonomy and makes them believe falsely that they are not themselves responsible for their well-being. If your child comes to you and says that they are bored, put the responsibility back on them. Ask them what they think they can do in this situation. We can certainly offer them suggestions if they are really struggling, but in the end, it is not really our problem, is it?

Navigating Difficult Conversations

By Taylor Paschal, LMSW

It is easy to look back and remember major stressful situations. This year, particularly, there were so many people feeling anxious or weary of what the months to come might bring. For some of us, the new year also brought hard conversations during parties or family gatherings. We found ourselves walking on eggshells, hoping and praying that controversial topics didn’t arise for fear of what the conversation might have turned into.
As a therapist, I can’t help but notice that theme in our society today – the fear of hard conversations. Why do we fear the opportunity to engage with an individual that has a different point of view from our own? Is it because we fear being wrong or looking uninformed? Maybe it’s the desire to avoid confrontation and what the aftermath could be for the relationship. Or maybe we see the ugliness that comes out of such discussions online, and we’d just rather avoid them in person. Regardless of why it’s worth exploring why we leave difficult topics left unsaid.
In therapy, effective communication is often a theme of sessions. Focusing on strategies for improving conflict resolution or navigating challenging interactions are pivotal. For example, it’s challenging to learn to listen with the purpose of understanding rather than to reply. Allowing someone to feel heard, even when disagreements occur, will often prevent the interaction from becoming negative. Effective listening can go a long way when attempting to soften a challenging interaction. Listening helps us stay in the moment and regulate our emotions when we’re navigating conflict.
In addition to listening, it can be extremely helpful to pay attention to our nonverbal cues when communicating. Often, our nonverbals speak louder than the words themselves. Nonverbal communication includes physical behavior, expressions, and the mannerisms utilized when communicating. To be fair, these are often done instinctively rather than consciously, but nonetheless, play a large role in the success of the conversation. Taking the time to invest in developing awareness of body language and tone of voice can have a profound impact on how we communicate.
Using myself as an example, the ability to regulate and control my body language directly impacts the effectiveness of the therapy I provide to clients. In most cases, when an individual’s emotion takes over the conversation, the interaction can quickly feel very personal. When an individual is vulnerable by sharing something personal, they could be hypersensitive to the reaction. Thus, during times of high emotions or sensitivity with clients, I utilize mindfulness to be aware of what my nonverbals may be saying. A few ways this is done is through a calm soothing tone, providing caring gestures, maintaining eye contact, and controlling the level of my voice.
In our culture today, communication seems to become a battle easily. But there is a way to disagree respectfully. So often, we feel the need to continue arguing over a difference of opinion. It can be challenging, but intentionally viewing the conversation as an exchange of ideas can be helpful. Focusing on the good, avoiding it becoming personal, and eliminating the word “but” can be helpful when trying to disagree respectfully. Staying calm and regulating emotions allows both parties to feel comfortable expressing themselves effectively in challenging situations. Ultimately though, at some point, the time comes to just move on. It is ok to leave our argument on the table and decide to take the interaction in a more positive direction or walk away. The option of agreeing to disagree to achieve a resolution is always available to us.
Effective communication, especially when it comes to conflict resolution, is quite an art. Developing more effective communication skills does take intentionality, but doesn’t have to be strenuous. Learning how to communicate more effectively allows for self-expression that benefits various aspects of an individual’s life. Think about all of our personal and professional relationships which could be improved through stronger, more mindful communication skills. Maybe, next holiday season won’t be so scary.